Click here for a pdf of the full Affidavit of Prejudice.
This is Part 1 of a sworn affidavit I have filed with several judges:

I, William M. Windsor, the undersigned, hereby declare under penalty of perjury:
- My name is William M. Windsor (âWindsorâ). I am 74-years-old, am absolutely competent to testify and represent myself, and have personal knowledge of the matters stated herein.
- This Affidavit of Prejudice of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton (âAffidavit of Prejudiceâ) is offered in support of a Judicial Misconduct Complaint against Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton (âMISCONDUCT COMPLAINTâ).
- I am the Plaintiff in this personal injury action (2018-CA-010270-O in the Circuit Court of the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Orange County Florida) that has been pending since 2018, and I am representing myself pro se. After over six years since I was disabled in a horrible crash when an 18-wheeler came into my lane and crushed me, the case was finally set for trial on May 22, 2023.
- On 2/21/2023, there were supposed to be two hearings in this case. I happened to notice a standard efiling notice hit my in-box. I opened it, and I was surprised to see the hearings canceled. I was SHOCKED to see that Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an order revoking my right to self-representation. [EXHIBIT A.] This had never been discussed, and there was no notice or opportunity to be heard. The judge had no jurisdiction to do what he did. It is a void order. The cases cited as âauthorityâ by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton both indicate it’s a denial of due process to do what he did without notice and an opportunity to be heard. So he takes an action that is a violation of my Constitutional rights, and he does it in an order citing cases that establish he canât do what he had just done. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton could be mentally ill. Or he is simply a corrupt narcissist. Or he has been bribed to do whatever it takes.
- Iâm not an attorney. However, I have studied law, and I know improper actions by attorneys and judges when I see them. I have seen them again and again in this case! Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is maliciously biased against me. As I testified previously on 4/5/2021, the extent of his bias against me is truly overwhelming. [EXHIBIT B – Transcript of Hearing 4/5/2021 â P.6: 12-16.]
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt.
- Blackâs Law Dictionary Free Online Legal Dictionary defines âcorruptionâ as âillegality; a vicious and fraudulent intention to evade the prohibition of the law. The act of an official or fiduciary person who unlawfully and wrongfully uses his station or character to procure some benefit for himself or for another person, contrary to duty and the rights of others.â
- Judges are supposed to go by the law. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton does not. Every action he has taken in this case is to grant unsigned and unverified requests of the attorneys for the Defendants (Boise Cascade with defense paid by AIG) and deny requests for relief that are signed, verified, and proven by me. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton had never even granted me a hearing, and he said in the hearing on 4/5/2021 that he never would [EXHIBIT B – Transcript of Hearing 4/5/2021 â P. 36: 9-14; P. 40: 12-25; P. 41: 1-3]. All that he has done has been unlawful and designed to procure a benefit for the Defendants contrary to his duty and my rights.
- EXHIBIT C hereto is my Motion for Partial Summary Judgment. It shows that the Defendants are liable. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has blocked the motion from being set for a hearing.
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton got away with making me ONE in 1,074,00. There are as many as 21,480,000 people in Florida who could be plaintiffs. Before me, only 19 of those people, who are neither prisoners nor attorneys under disbarment proceedings, have had an order entered denying them the right to represent themselves. APPENDIX 37, 40, and 50 [1] show I do not meet the criteria of the 19 people previously denied the Constitutional right to represent themselves without an attorney to approve their filings. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton did not allow me to tender any of this into evidence at the 4/5/2021 Hearing because he is terminally biased and corrupt. The documents in APPENDIX 37, 40, and 50 were all filed and docketed in Case #2018-CA-010270-O. [2]
- At the hearing on 4/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton accused me of threatening a member of the judiciary and said it was contemptuous. This is what Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton said was a threat to a member of the judiciary (said under oath):
- WINDSOR: âIâm going to make it my mission to expose you and Astrin.
- THE COURT: âAll right. Mr. Windsor, that is a threat against this Court —
- ASTRIN: âAnd myself.
- THE COURT: âMr. Windsor, there is a limit. I have let you go on at length, but you have just threatened a member of the judiciary and that is a matter which is contemptuous. Now, sir, would you like to withdraw that comment or would you like to leave it in the record and face contempt? Because that, sir, will not be tolerated. Threatening a member of the judiciary in a court hearing is not going to be permitted.â [EXHIBIT A – Transcript of Hearing 4/5/2021 â P. 38: 18-25, P. 39:1-6.] [emphasis added.]
- Exposing corruption is not a threat. Itâs a First Amendment right. It has been my vocation since 2007. I do it for free. I have websites, including, and I have produced and directed a documentary film on government and judicial corruption. I have interviewed face-to-face thousands of people in all 50 states who believe they are victims of corruption. I have been referred to as a leading authority on judicial corruption.
- Blackâs Law Dictionary defines âthreatâ as âa menace or destruction or injury to the lives or property of those against whom it is made.â This was not a threat; it was a statement, under oath, of what I am doing. Falsely accusing me of making a threat in open court is a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct.
- I will begin setting up, and I have arranged for a lady to drive me to the Orange County Courthouse where we hope to get a copy of the docket for every case Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has handled. We will be looking for evidence of other bad acts. I had no idea Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton lost the infamous Casey Anthony trial, that he couldnât even successfully defend his son from criminal charges, and that this married man was caught red-handed in the Ashley Madison sex website scandal.
- The Florida Code of Judicial Conduct defines âImpartialityâ or âimpartialâ to denote absence of bias or prejudice in favor of, or against, particular parties or classes of parties, as well as maintaining an open mind in considering issues that may come before the judge. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton does not appear to have an impartial bone in his body when it comes to me and pro se plaintiffs.
Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is corrupt. - At the hearing on 4/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton accused me of being a liar:
- THE COURT: âWell, sir, I want to reiterate what Mr. Astrin has said, that this case cannot go forward, but youâve got to make a choice. You can either continue the way you have been, which — well, I mean, you canât, if I grant the motion; you just canât do anything
- âYou cannot get around it by sending e-mails to my judicial assistant. Weâre going to block you from communicating that way. But we are more than, more than happy to consider any motion that you file which is signed and approved by a member of the Florida Bar.
- âSo the motion is granted. The interim order that I filed will be extended to be a permanent order in this case. Mr. Astrin, if you would like to prepare a proposed order and send it to me, please send it in Word because Iâm sure I will be making changes and additions to it.
- âSend a copy of that to Mr. Windsor as well so that he will know what you submitted to me. I will submit the order. In the interim, Iâm going to prepare a brief order extending my prior order until the new order is written and fully done.
- âMr. Windsor, I hope that you get an attorney involved in this case, because I think thereâs a case here that needs to be litigated. But the case needs to be litigated not on personalities.
- âSo that is the ruling of the Court. Thank you all very much. Mr. Astrin, Iâm looking forward to seeing your proposed order.
- âMr. Windsor, I donât — I mean, I donât â if I ask you not to e-mail my JA anymore, will you do it?
- WINDSOR: âYour Honor, I have only e-mailed her when necessary. But she is listed as one of the contacts on the E-portal and I would be happy to remove her from that —
- THE COURT: âMr. Windsor, you e-mailed my JA 214 times since Thursday. Since Thursday.
- WINDSOR: âAbsolutely not, Your Honor.
- THE COURT: âWell, youâre calling my secretary a liar and I know that sheâs telling me the truth about that, so that ainât going to happen. So Iâll block you from e-mail, again. If you have a lawyer that wants to communicate with us on your behalf, we will be happy to speak with him.â [EXHIBIT B – Transcript of Hearing 4/5/2021 â P.36: 9-25; P.37: 1-25; P. 38: 1-4.]
- I sent three emails to Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs Judicial Assistant from Thursday April 1, 2021 to Monday April 5, 2021, and I have the records to prove it. THREE (3) not 214. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is a liar, and calling me a liar in open court is a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct.
- I am not and will not receive a fair trial in the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in Orange County, Florida due to the bias of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton of that court against me, prejudice in favor of the Defendants and their attorney, and apparent mental illness.
- EXHIBIT D is an affidavit sworn under penalty of perjury before a notary that I filed 2/2/2021. It is referenced and incorporated herein. It details my issues with Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton as to my medical emergency in February 2021. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton refused to delay a relatively meaningless hearing in this case about the Defendants disabling me and using the court system to inflict emotional distress.
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton OUTRAGEOUSLY refused to reschedule the 2/2/2021 hearing with no justification whatsoever. That he refused to reschedule the 2/2/2021 hearing when I had a medical emergency and was hospitalized is bias at its worst.
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton simply wants to hurt me any way he can. Heâs clearly a Judicial Sadist
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton had entered 20 orders in this case, and all 20 had been against me. All 20 should have been in my favor. [EXHIBIT E – DOCKET.]
- I have not been treated fairly by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has not demonstrated the impartiality required of a judge. He is demonstrating that he is a heartless person who has no business sitting in judgment on people.
- I have a well-grounded fear that I will not receive a fair trial. Thatâs what you are supposed to say in a motion to recuse. The truth is I havenât received anything fair, and I wonât unless I can somehow get this sad excuse for a man removed as judge. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has ignored all of the prejudice and bias of Judge John Marshall Kest, and he refused without proper consideration my request to reconsider the corrupt orders of Judge John Marshall Kest.
- Judge Lisa T. Munyon granted a protective order to stop discovery when there was no legal authority to do so. Judge John Marshall Kest allowed that to continue. Judge John Marshall Kest allowed hearings on frivolous motions by the Defendants while ignoring violations of his own rules and orders. Judge John Marshall Kest outrageously stated in an order that two motions were not being set for hearings because they were motions for reconsideration when clearly they were no such thing. Judge John Marshall Kest claimed I made a false statement to the Court denying that the case had been stayed. The case was never stayed, and saying I made a false statement to the Court was both improper and erroneous. Judge John Marshall Kest ignored the fact that there was no legal basis given by the Defendants for either of the motions that Judge John Marshall Kest ordered to be set for hearing. Judge John Marshall Kest extended the trial date for another year when he would not even be a judge, with no consideration given to my medical condition. Judge John Marshall Kest announced at the Case Management Conference that he treats pro se parties the same as attorneys, but this is neither true, fair, nor the law. Judge John Marshall Kest indicated at the Case Management Conference that he had independently researched cases that I had been involved in, and he threatened me with sanctions for frivolous motions under Florida Statute 57.105. I have never filed anything frivolous. Judge John Marshall Kest argued with me over whether there had been the required âmeet and conferâ with the Defendantsâ attorneys. Judge John Marshall Kest claimed that a telephone bullying by Attorney Scott L. Astrin amounted to a âconfer.â I tried to explain that confer means an actual discussion. Judge John Marshall Kest rejected that, yet he knew the specifics of the law while I as a pro se party did not. I was absolutely right about the requirements to confer, and Judge John Marshall Kest lied and claimed I was wrong. Judge John Marshall Kest is a past president and Governor of the Bar Association, so he has been a very active member of a club that the Defense attorneys belong to that I will never belong to. Judge John Marshall Kest had been an attorney for 48 years and a judge for 17 years. He had seemingly developed disdain for pro se parties over the past 48 years. I developed these feelings because after studying the developments in this case, I saw Judge John Marshall Kest acting with bias again and again. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton dismissed without any consideration my motion to have him reconsider Judge John Marshall Kestâs orders. No honest judge could do that. In the hearing on 4/5/2021, I learned that Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton had not even read my motion.
- On 8/29/2020, I filed motions for fraud on the court. When Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton became the judge, I asked him to reconsider the order denying the order claiming my motions were motions for reconsideration. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton dismissed without any consideration my motion to have him reconsider Judge John Marshall Kestâs orders. No honest judge could do that. My motions identified 298 violations by the Defendants and their attorneys including perjury, contempt, attempted fraud, fraud on the court, concealing evidence, unsigned and unsworn answers and objections to interrogatories, false sworn answers, false admissions, over 30 violations of the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct, a variety of violations of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, and more. [EXHIBITS D and E.] In the hearing on 4/5/2021, I discovered that Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton had not even read Judge John Marshall Kestâs orders much less my motion.
- On 7/20 2020, Scott L. Astrin filed an Emergency Motion Requesting the Court to Determine if I was Mentally Competent to Represent myself, a frivolous motion with no legal basis whatsoever. It was unsigned and unverified, and Scott L. Astrin had not made an appearance in the case. Judge John Marshall Kest and Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton did not take action against Scott L. Astrin or the Defendants. There is absolutely no legal authority for this, and there has never been an appellate decision in the history of Florida over such a frivolous motion. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs endorsement of this outrageous frivolous motion puts him in a class with the most corrupt of judges.
- Scott L. Astrin seems to be a pathological liar. Upon information and belief, he may have the mental disorders mythomania or pseudologia fantastica.
- On 7/27/2020, Scott L. Astrin filed a frivolous motion to dismiss and for contempt of a purported federal court order that had no legal basis whatsoever. It was unsigned and unverified, and Scott L. Astrin had not made an appearance in the case. Judge John Marshall Kest and Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton did not take action against Scott L. Astrin or the Defendants. Again, there is absolutely no legal authority for this, and there has never been an appellate decision in the history of Florida over such a frivolous motion. Once again, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs endorsement of this outrageous frivolous motion puts him in a class with the most corrupt of judges.
- The Notice of Appearance of Scott L. Astrin was filed 8/19/2020. [APPENDIX 17 – Pages: 000103 to 000105.] It is unsigned. It and all of the filings by the attorneys for the Defendants used a fake address as confirmed to me by a Hillsborough County Deputy Sheriff. [APPENDIX 67 – Pages 002018 to 002025.]
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton had at that time allowed the attorneys for the Defendants to file 75 unsigned pleadings. There are far more now, but I have not yet had time to list and count them. Pleadings must be signed, and unsigned pleadings must be stricken. I filed a Verified Motion to Strike Pleadings and Award Sanctions. The Motion sought to strike 75 unsigned pleadings. [APPENDIX 52 – Pages: 000846 to 000858.] It will never be heard.
- Judge John Marshall Kest issued an âOrder Requiring Compliance by Attorneys and PRO SE Litigants with Procedures and Administrative Orders on 9/1/2020. [APPENDIX 18 – Pages: 000106 to 000108.] This Order states: âAdministrative Order 2012-03 requires that a mandatory meet and confer be undertaken before a hearing or motion is scheduled. It is the responsibility of the party scheduling the hearing to arrange the conference. Failure to âmeet and conferâ on each motion will result in a hearing being cancelled if it was scheduled and/or sanctions may be imposed.â [emphasis added.]
- The attorneys for the Defendants have repeatedly violated Administrative Order 2012-03. The judges did nothing. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has granted such unsigned orders.
- I filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton on 2/2/2021. [APPENDIX 21 – Pages: 000140 to 000153.] It included my Affidavit of Prejudice of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton [APPENDIX 20 – Pages: 000114 to 000139] and a Certificate of Good Faith [APPENDIX 19 – Pages: 000109 to 000113].
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton denied my Motion to Disqualify him on 2/2/2021. [APPENDIX 22 – Pages: 000154 to 000156.] Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton lied in refusing to be disqualified.
- On 1/27/2021, I filed an Emergency Motion for Stay and/or Continuance until the Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled on my Petition for Writ of Prohibition. [APPENDIX 23 – Pages: 000157 to 000225.]
- On 1/28/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton denied my Emergency Motion for Stay and/or Continuance claiming it was moot, which it was not. [APPENDIX 24 – Pages: 000226 to 000228.]
- On 1/27/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs Judicial Assistant, Keitra Davis, emailed me for the first time to introduce herself. She stated that âHearing Notebooks, memorandums, and case law must be provided at least five (5) business days prior to the hearing.â [APPENDIX 25 – Pages 000233.] The hearing was only four (4) business days away, so I requested that the 2/2/2021 hearing be reset for another date as the documentation could not be timely submitted. This was indicated as the necessary procedure in the email from Keitra Davis. There was no response to this Request or my emails. I filed a Request for Cancellation of Hearing. [APPENDIX 25 – Pages: 000229 to 000237.] Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton violated his own orders.
- On 1/30/2021, I filed an Emergency Motion for Stay and/or Continuance due to a medical emergency and inability to comply with the 1/27/2021 instructions of Keitra Davis. [APPENDIX 88.]
- On 2/1/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton denied my Emergency Motion for Stay and/or Continuance. [APPENDIX 26 – Pages: 000238 to 000239.] Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton does not comply with his own Rules, much less the Constitutions.
- On 2/1/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order denying my Emergency Motion for Reconsideration of orders of Judge John Marshall Kest. [APPENDIX 27 – Pages: 000240 to 00241.] At the 4/5/2021 Hearing, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton indicated he hadnât even read the orders. [APPENDIX 82 – Page 002202: Lines 5-14.]
- On 2/2/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton held a hearing. [APPENDIX 28 – Pages: 000242 to 000244.] I was in the hospital and was unable to participate. I was denied due process â denied the opportunity to be heard.
- On 2/2/2021, I filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 29 – Pages: 000245 to 000258.] [APPENDIX 30 – Pages: 000259 to 000284.] [APPENDIX 31 – Pages: 000285 to 000289.]
- On 2/2/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order denying the Motion to Disqualify. [APPENDIX 32 – Pages: 000290 to 000292.] He lied again. He said he âcan be fair and impartial in this matter. All opinions expressed or rulings made have been based upon review of the files of the case and are not based upon any personal bias against the Petitioner. THEREFORE, the Court rules that it does stand fair and impartial between the partiesâŚ.â
- What a crock! He didnât review the file, and he has nothing but a raging personal bias against me. Hereâs what Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton ruled: âThe Court finds that the Motion is legally insufficient as to following issues: 1) Adverse rulings do not support a reasonable fear of personal bias. Rivera v. State, 717 So. 2d 477 (Fla. 1998).â [APPENDIX 32 – Pages: 000290 to 000292.]
- True to form, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton claimed the Florida Supreme Court opinion said something it did not. And he cited a case where there was no Motion to Disqualify; he cited an appeal of a death penalty case. Hereâs the actual opinion [EXHIBIT F]:
- âWe have repeatedly held that a motion to disqualify a judge âmust be well-founded and contain facts germane to the judgeâs undue bias, prejudice, or sympathy.â Jackson v. State, 599 So.2d 103, 107 (Fla.1992); Gilliam v. State, 582 So.2d 610, 611 (Fla.1991); Dragovich v. State, 492 So.2d 350, 352 (Fla.1986). The motion will be found legally insufficient âif it fails to establish a well-grounded fear on the part of the movant that he will not receive a fair hearing.â Correll v. State, 698 So.2d 522, 524 (Fla.1997). The fact that the judge has made adverse rulings in the past against the defendant, or that the judge has previously heard the evidence, or âallegations that the trial judge had formed a fixed opinion of the defendantâs guilt, even where it is alleged that the judge discussed his opinion with others,â are generally considered legally insufficient reasons to warrant the judgeâs disqualification. Jackson, 599 So.2d at 107.â [emphasis added.]
- My Motion to Disqualify contained well-founded facts germane to the undue bias of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton.
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton also ruled: â2) Claims that the Court has formed fixed opinions on an issue before it do not support a reasonable fear of personal bias Rivera v. State, 717 So. 2d 477 (Fla. 1998).â
- This is not expressed in the opinion AT ALL.
- Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton failed to address the legal sufficiency of my motion and lied about irrelevant case law.
- On 2/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order granting Defendantsâ Motion for Attorneyâs Fees. [APPENDIX 33 – Pages: 000293 to 000295.] There was no evidence, and I darn sure never did anything to justify any such thing. I was denied my right to be heard.
- On 2/14/2021, I filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the 2/4/2021 Order of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 34 – Pages: 000296 to 000347.]
- On 2/15/2021, I filed a Petition for Writ of Prohibition with the 5DCA. [APPENDIX 35 – Pages: 000348 to 000491.]
- On 2/17/2021, Scott L. Astrin filed Defendantsâ Emergency Motion to Require Pro Se Plaintiff, William Windsorâs Submissions and/or Pleadings to the Court Be Reviewed, Approved and Signed by a Member of the Florida Bar (âBAR MOTIONâ). [APPENDIX 36 – Pages: 000402 to 000444.] It was unsigned, unverified, and did not comply with Administrative Order 2012-03 or the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure.
- On 2/18/2021, I filed a Motion to Strike the BAR MOTION. [APPENDIX 37 – Pages: 000445 to 000488.]
- On 2/19/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order denying my Motion for Reconsideration of the 2/4/2021 Order. [APPENDIX 38 – Pages: 000489 to 00490.]
- On 2/23/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order denying my Motion to Strike the unsigned, unverified, unlawful BAR MOTION. [APPENDIX 1 – Pages: 000013 to 000015.] Corrupt judges like Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton ignore the law and violate the law whenever it pleases them.
- On 2/26/2021, I filed a Memorandum of Law regarding Pleadings Signed by a Member of the Florida Bar. [APPENDIX 39 – Pages: 000491 to 000584.]
- On 2/26/2021, I filed a Motion for Reconsideration of the Order denying my Motion to Strike the BAR MOTION. [APPENDIX 40 – Pages: 000585 to 000618.]
- On 3/2/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order to Show Cause. [APPENDIX 2 – Pages: 000016 to 000018.] It was never served on me. The Order to Show Cause claims âDefendants request the issuance of an Order to Show Cause,â but the Defendantsâ Motion makes no such request. [APPENDIX 36 – Pages: 000402 to 000444.] I emailed the attorneys for the Defendants and Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs judicial assistant, Keitra Davis, requesting any such request. The Docket does not show any such request. [APPENDIX 14.] Neither Keitra Davis nor the attorneys responded. The Order to Show Cause is legally deficient. [APPENDIX 2.]
- The Defendants did not request an Order to Show Cause. There is no such âMotion.â See the Docket â APPENDIX 14.   Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs Order is false. Upon information and belief, this was Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton coaching the attorneys for the Defendants on what to do.
- There was nothing attached to the Order to Show Cause, which is a requirement. [APPENDIX 14.]
- The only Motion by the Defendants is unsigned, unverified, and without an affidavit. [APPENDIX 36 – Pages: 000402 to 000444.]
- When an Order to Show Cause does not state the essential facts constituting the reason for the Order to Show Cause, and the Motion filed was not attached to the Order to Show Cause, it must be declared legally insufficient. (Mayo v. Mayo, 2D17-3140 (Fla.App. Dist.2 12/07/2018).) See also Mix v. State, 827 So.2d 397, 399 (Fla. 2d DCA 2002); Flanagan v. State, 840 So.2d 379, 380 (Fla. 1st DCA 2003); Brown v. State, 595 So.2d 259, 260 (Fla. 2d DCA 1992). See Eubanks v. Agner, 636 So.2d 596, 598 (Fla. 1st DCA 1994; Lindman v. Ellis, 658 So.2d 632, 634 (Fla. 2d DCA 1995); Levine v. State, 4D20-118 (Fla.App. Dist.4 02/03/2021); Hagerman v. Hagerman, 751 So.2d 152 (Fla. 2d DCA 2000).
- In this case, there is an unsworn motion, and there are no sworn affidavits whatsoever.
- On 3/3/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order denying my Motion for Reconsideration of Order denying my Motion to Strike the BAR MOTION. [APPENDIX 3 – Pages: 000019 to 000021.] It was never served on me.
- On 3/10/2021, I requested 16 hours for the Hearing on the Order to Show Cause. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton was allowing only 15 or 20 minutes. [APPENDIX 41 – Pages: 000619 to 000622.]
- On 3/11/2021, I filed a Notice of Taking Deposition of David I. Wynne. [APPENDIX 42 – Pages: 000623 to 000631.]
- On 3/11/2021, I filed a Notice of Taking Deposition of Scott L. Astrin. [APPENDIX 43 – Pages: 000632 to 000640.]
- On 3/11/2021, I requested Subpoenas Duces Tecum for David I. Wynne and Scott L. Astrin. [APPENDIX 44 – Pages: 000641 to 000652.] I was denied to have them as witnesses at the 4/5/2021 hearing where these attorneys made a cornucopia of claims against me that were not signed or verified.
- On 3/12/2021, I filed a Motion to Strike Strange Hidden Docket Entry. [APPENDIX 45 – Pages: 000653 to 000656.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/12/2021, I filed a Verified Motion to Strike Answer and Amended Answer; Enter a Decree Pro Confesso; Enter Judgment in Favor of the Plaintiff; and Schedule the Jury Trial for Damages. [APPENDIX 46 – Pages: 000657 to 000683 and 000698 to 000756 and 000771 to 000789.] The Answer and Amended Answer were unsigned. This is a dispositive motion that should have been heard. This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/15/2021, the Defendants filed a Motion for Protective Order. [APPENDIX 47 – Pages: 000790 to 000792.] It was unsigned and unverified.
- On 3/16/2021 and 3/17/2021, I filed the Verified Affidavit of William M. Windsor dated March 12, 2021 with 1,645 pages of Exhibits. This is very important as it debunks all of the frivolous claims of Astrin. [APPENDIX 50 is the Affidavit – Pages: 000817 to 000839.]Â [APPENDIX 85 contains the exhibits to the Affidavit – Pages: 002261 to 004227.]Â This was ignored.
- On 3/17/2021, I filed a Verified Affidavit Regarding Prior Sworn Statements. [APPENDIX 51 – Pages: 000840 to 000845.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/17/2021, I filed a Verified Motion to Strike Pleadings and Award Sanctions. The Motion seeks to strike 75 unsigned pleadings. [APPENDIX 52 – Pages: 000846 to 000858.]Â This dispositive motion has not been set for a hearing and wonât be by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/18/2021, the Defendants filed Additional Exhibits in Support of Defendantsâ First Amended BAR MOTION. It is unsigned and unverified. [APPENDIX 53 – Pages: 000859 to 000888.]
- On 3/18/2021, I filed a Motion for Accommodations for Senior Citizen with Disabilities. [APPENDIX 54 – Pages: 000889 to 000898.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/18/2021, I filed a Motion to Declare that All Statements by Attorneys that Purport to be Facts in Pleadings or in Hearings Must Be Stricken Unless the Attorney Filed an Affidavit Sworn Under Penalty of Perjury or is at an Evidentiary Hearing when Sworn to Tell the Truth Under Penalty of Perjury. [APPENDIX 55 – Pages: 000899 to 000904.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/18/2021, I filed a Motion to Compel Defendant and All Non-Parties to Produce Each Separate Item Requested for Production in a File Folder Marked to show the Date Requested and the Item Number of the Request. [APPENDIX 56 – Pages: 000905 to 000908.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/18/2021, I filed a Motion Regarding Pro Se Verifications. [APPENDIX 57 – Pages: 000909 to 000912.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/18/2021, I filed a Motion to Compel Defendant and All Non-Parties to Comply with Rule 1.280(b)(6). [APPENDIX 58 – Pages: 000913 to 000916.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/18/2021, I filed a Motion to Declare I am Not Obligated to Comply with The Florida Handbook on Civil Discovery or the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct. [APPENDIX 59 – Pages: 000917 to 000921.] This hasnât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]
- On 3/24/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order granting the Motion for Protective Order. [APPENDIX 4 – Pages: 000022 to 000023.] It was never served on me.
- On 3/24/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order on My Motion to Strike Answer and Amended Answer and my Emergency Motion to Strike Strange Hidden Docket Entry and Memorandum of Law. [APPENDIX 5 – Pages: 000024 to 000026.] These havenât been heard, and wonât be set for a hearing by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002211 to 002212.]Â It was never served on me.
- On 3/25/2021, I was preparing to file a Motion to Strike the Order to Show Cause.
- On 3/25/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an âInterim Orderâ order without notice or an opportunity to be heard directing the Clerk of the Court to refuse to process my filings. [APPENDIX 6 – Pages: 000027 to 000029.] There was no legal authority for such an order and no factual basis for it.
- On 3/25/2021, I requested subpoenas from the Clerk of Court for testimony at the April 5, 2021 hearing on Order to Show Cause. The requests were ignored. [APPENDIX 62 – Pages: 000928 to 000929.]
- On 3/26/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order on Procedures for the Show Cause Hearing. [APPENDIX 7 – Pages: 000030 to 000032.]
- From 2/23/2021 to 3/26/2021, I was not served with any orders entered by Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton.
- On 3/27/2021, I provided Keitra Davis with the information required in the Order on Procedures. [APPENDIX 60 – Pages: 000922 to 000924.] Scott L. Astrin never provided Keitra Davis with the information required in the Order on Procedures. [APPENDIX 7 – Pages: 000030 to 000032.]
- On 4/1/2021, I filed a Motion for Continuance of the April 5, 2021 Hearing. I did not expect it to be docketed because of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs void order on 3/25/2021, but it was docketed. [APPENDIX 64 – Pages: 000933 to 000936 – Pages: 000937 to 000973.]Â It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/1/2021, I filed a Supplement to my Motion to Strike Pleadings and for Sanctions. I did not expect it to be docketed, but it was. [APPENDIX 65 – Pages: 000937 to 000973.]Â It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/1/2021, I filed a Motion to Strike Order to Show Cause. I did not expect it to be docketed because of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs void order on 3/25/2021, but it was docketed as EXHIBIT 361. [APPENDIX 66 – Pages: to 00974 to 001264 and 001279 to 001971.] Â It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/1/2021, I filed a Motion to Disqualify Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. I did not expect it to be docketed, but it was. [APPENDIX 67 – Pages: 001972 to 002053.] The judge refused to address it. It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/1/2021, I filed a Motion to Strike Supplemental Pleadings and Award Sanctions. I did not expect it to be docketed, but it was. [APPENDIX 14 – Pages: 000051 to 000073.] [3]Â It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/2/2021, I filed evidence for the Hearing on the Order to Show Cause â Motion to Strike Defendantsâ Motion to Require Pro Se Plaintiffâs Submissions and/or Pleadings to the Court be Reviewed, Approved, and Signed by a Member of the Florida Bar; EXHIBITS 1-230, 231-326, 330-340, 355-365, 783, 792, 862. [APPENDIX 14 – Pages: 000051 to 000073.]
- On 4/3/2021, I filed evidence for the Hearing on the Order to Show Cause â APPENDIX I; EXHIBITS 389, 2443, 366-388; Affidavit of William M. Windsor dated March 29, 2021; Plaintiffâs Verified Memorandum of Law Regarding Pleadings Signed by a Member of the Florida Bar for the Order to Show Cause Hearing. [APPENDIX 14 – Pages: 000051 to 000073.]
- On 4/4/2021, I filed a Motion to Cancel the Hearing Set for April 5, 2021. [APPENDIX 14 – Pages: 000051 to 000073.] It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/4/2021, I filed an Objection to the Exhibits of the Defendants for the Hearing Set for April 5, 2021. [APPENDIX 69 – Pages: 002056 to 002066.] It was not set for a hearing.
- On 4/4/2021, I filed evidence for the Hearing on the Order to Show Cause â EXHIBITS 390-399. [APPENDIX 14 – Pages: 000051 to 000073.]
- On 4/5/2021, I filed evidence for the Hearing on the Order to Show Cause â EXHIBIT 400. [APPENDIX 70 – Pages: 002067 to 002140.]
- On 4/5/2021, a Hearing was held on the Order to Show Cause. [APPENDIX 71 – Pages: 002141 to 002143.] It ended at 11:27 a.m. I was sworn in so all of my statements were made under oath under penalty of perjury. [APPENDIX 82 – Pages: 002171 to 002213.] The Transcript is not filed as I was not allowed to file anything.
- Following the hearing on 4/5/2021 at 11:51 a.m., I printed the DOCKET in Case # 2018-010270-O. [APPENDIX 14 – Pages: 000051 to 000073.] It shows all of my evidence was on file at the time of the Hearing, but Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton refused to consider any of it.
- On 4/5/2021 at 3:24 p.m., Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order Striking all Pro Se Filings from 3/27/2021. [APPENDIX 8 – Pages: 000033 to 000035.]
- On 4/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Interim Order on Pro Se Filings in Effect Until Further Order of the Court. [APPENDIX 9 – Pages: 000039 to 000041.]
- On 4/5/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Interim Order on Pro Se Filings Extended Until Further Order of the Court. [APPENDIX 10 – Pages: 000036 to 000038.]
- On 4/5/2021 at 3:30 p.m., Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order Striking Pro Se Filings from 3/27/2021 to 4/5/2021. [APPENDIX 11 – Pages: 000042 to 000044.]
- On 4/6/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Order on the Courts Rule to Show Cause Why the Court Should not Grant Defendantsâ Motion Requiring Pro Se Plaintiff Submissions / Pleadings of the Court be Reviewed Approved & Signed by A Member of the Florida Bar. [APPENDIX 12 – Pages: 000045 to 000047.]
- On 4/6/2021, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton entered an Amended Interim Order on Pro Se Filings. [APPENDIX 13 – Pages: 000048 to 000050.]
- On 4/19/2021, I tried to file a Motion to Disqualify Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton, but I was denied any use of for Case # 2018-010270-O. [APPENDIX 86.] I mailed it to the judge and filed a motion with the 5DCA asking the Clerk of the Court to be ordered to file it.
[1] I am only enclosing a few exhibits. If you want more, Iâm happy to provide them.
[2] All references to APPENDIX are to the Appendix in 5D21-0492.
[3] I am referencing only the DOCKET â APPENDIX 14 — and am not adding each filing that was ignored to keep the APPENDIX from being gargantuan in size. All are available.

Bill Windsor Sworn Affidavit – Part 1Â Â Â Bill Windsor Sworn Affidavit – Part 2Â Â Â Bill Windsor Sworn Affidavit – Part 3
My name is William Michael Windsor. This is my story, and I’m stickin’ to it. Copyright 2013, William Michael Windsor. See,, and