Jeff Ashton Violates Rules and Prepares to Deliver Death Blow to William M Windsor

WTF Jeff Ashton

I received an email on 4/11/2023 saying there was a Pre-Trial Hearing on 4/11/2023 in my attempted murder 18-wheeler case. [APPENDIX 140.]
I was not informed of a Pre-Trial Hearing. The order setting pre-trial procedures and deadlines from 10/21/2022 set the date, but a 4/4/2023 email to Ms. Keitra Davis, Judicial Assistant to Jeff Ashton, requesting directions on whether there would be a hearing. [APPENDIX 137.]  This was never responded to unless the response went to the person or persons who forged and stole my e-filing account. [APPENDIX 138.]
I have asked all of the evildoers to please show me emails of all notifications that there was a hearing. I believe a party is obligated to attend, I darn sure would have been there. There are no such emails. [APPENDIX 141.]
I asked to be sent the name and contact information for the court reporter.  There has been no response.
None of the other prerequisites were complied with by the Defendants. There has been no designation of depositions, no meeting on jury instructions, no schedule of exhibits, no live meeting, no joint pre-trial statement, and violations galore.
This motion or whatever it is is that they filed on 4/11/2023 is past the court-ordered deadline set in writing on 2/21/2023. [APPENDIX 133.]
The 4/11/2023 filing violates the Court’s 2/21/2023 order.  I moved via email that all of the Defendants’ filings and Answer be stricken due to violation of court orders.  There has been no response.
The Notice of Hearing is false.  It specifies nothing to be heard, and I am not self-represented.  I have been denied that Constitutional right, and this is on appeal.
A case may not be dismissed when on appeal.
Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 9130 (f) Stay of Proceedings. “In the absence of a stay, during the pendency of a review of a nonfinal order, the lower tribunal may proceed with all matters, including trial or final hearing, except that the lower tribunal may not render a final order disposing of the cause…”
I asked the evildoers to please vacate all of this.  There has been no response.

I advised them that I am filing additional criminal charges.  I extended the courtesy of calling Renee Urban of Adams | Coogler on 4/11/2023 to give her the opportunity to deny that she was involved in the forgery and theft of my e-filing account.  She refused to answer and refused to connect me with purported attorney Jonathan Blake Mansker.  If Mansker doesn’t call me, I will take that as an indication of guilt.  I will file criminal charges.  There has been no response.

I asked Ms. Keitra Davis, assistant to Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton, if she was involved in the forgery and theft?  Was Barry5515? (That’s reported by media to be Jeff Ashton’s sex sites email.)  There has been no response.

I asked that Jonathan Blake Mansker please call me.  We have never spoken by phone.  His assistant was unwilling to ask him to return my call.  There has been no response.

The hearing to purportedly dismiss my case is set for April 19, 2023 at 9 a.m. in the Ninth Judicial Circuit in Orange County Florida.  If you would like to be an Internet courtwatcher, please email Keitra Davis at
If some of you are associated with courtwatcher groups, please notify them.

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