Windsor investigates Jeff Ashton

William  M. Windsor investigates Jeff Ashton.

Courts must threaten employees to keep their mouths shut about the dishonesty and corruption they observe in the performance of their work.

If court employees are not aware of what’s going on, they must be dumber than a box of rocks.

I am investigating the Ninth Circuit in Florida, where Jeff Ashton is corruptly operating  I am reaching out to former employees who were either fired or quit.  Here is a list of a huge number of terminated employees over the last six years.

If you know any of these people, please contact me.

Jeff Ashton D-Day

Jeff Ashton Stages D-Day

Jeff Ashton is ready for D-Day (Dismiss Day).  The most corrupt judge in Central Florida continues to commit crimes against innocent people.





WILLIAM WINDSOR,                                             CASE NO. 2018-CA-010270-O



ROBERT KEITH LONGEST, an individual, and BOISE CASCADE BUILDING MATERIALS DISTRIBUTION, L.L.C., a Foreign Limited Liability Company,




COMES NOW, William M. Windsor (“Windsor” or “Plaintiff”), and files Plaintiff’s Verified EMERGENCY MOTION to Strike April 19, 2023 HEARING; Motion for Sanctions against Defendants and their Attorneys; Motion to Strike Pleadings of Defendants; and Response to Motion of Defendants.  Windsor shows the Court as follows:

  1. There are many reasons why the April 19, 2023 Hearing must be stricken.
  2. WINDSOR’s life has been destroyed by the accident that brought this case and the intentional infliction of emotional distress aftermath.
  3. The Defendants have lied and lied and lied. Judges have let them get away with it.
  4. The attorneys for the Defendants have committed literally hundreds of violations of the Rules. Judges have let them get away with it.
  5. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has demonstrated a variety of ways to violate due process, violate the Code of Judicial Conduct, and violate laws. He has made false statements to damage WINDSOR. [EXHIBIT 2823.] [EXHIBIT 2824.]  The Court is asked to take judicial notice of Case No. 6D23-2220 in the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida Sixth District.  All exhibits to EXHIBIT 2823 hereto are filed there.  The Court is also asked to take judicial notice of Case No. 6D23-2069 in the District Court of Appeal of the State of Florida Sixth District.  All exhibits to EXHIBIT 2824 hereto are filed there.
  6. WINDSOR has never lied, and he has never knowingly violated a law or a rule.
  7. When WINDSOR comes to a stop sign in the middle of nowhere, he comes to a full stop before the sign. He hasn’t had a traffic or parking ticket since September 25, 1995. [EXHIBIT 3001.]  He had never been in a traffic accident before 05/05/2017.



  1. As Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is well aware, WINDSOR is in bankruptcy; the bankruptcy court will not pay for an attorney; WINDSOR cannot afford an attorney because all of his assets except his monthly social security check are in the Bankruptcy Estate; and he has been unable to get an attorney to work for free.
  2. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton can’t order WINDSOR to violate the federal bankruptcy statutes and a court order.
  3. The Court is asked to take judicial notice of federal bankruptcy statutes and Case # 6-21-bk-04061 in United States Bankruptcy Court for the Middle District of Florida.




  1. On 10/21/2022, the Uniform Order Setting this Case for Jury Pre-Trial set the Pre-Trial Conference for April 10, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. [EXHIBIT 3922.] But absolutely nothing has been done regarding the pre-trial by the judge and essentially nothing by the Defendants. [2018-CA-010270-O DOCKET.]


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #1

  1. On 10/21/2022, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton ordered the Defendants to disclose the expert witnesses the Defendants actually intended to testify within 15 days following the Plaintiff’s disclosure. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.2 ¶5(b).] On 01/17/2023, WINDSOR filed his Amended Expert Witness List.
  2. The Defendants failed to file an expert witness list following WINDSOR’s disclosure. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #2

  1. On 03/27/2023, the Defendants were to serve a List of All Witnesses and provide name, address, and telephone number. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶6(a).]
  2. The Defendants failed to serve the list as specified. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #3

  1. On 03/27/2023, the Defendants were to serve a schedule of all exhibits, including depositions, a party may offer at trial, lettered sequentially. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶6(b).]
  2. The Defendants failed to serve the schedule. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #4

  1. Not later than 03/11/2023, the Defendants were to provide deposition designations. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(a).]
  2. The Defendants failed to make the designations. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #5

  1. Not later than 03/21/2023, the Defendants were to serve counter or fairness designations. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(a).]
  2. The Defendants failed to give the Plaintiff his right to serve counter or fairness designations. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #6

  1. Not later than 03/21/2023, the Defendants were to exchange proposed jury instructions and verdict forms. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(b).]
  2. The Defendants failed to exchange proposed jury instructions and verdict forms. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #7

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a Face-to-Face Meeting was scheduled to be held, but the Defendants were no-shows. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c).]
  2. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #8

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to Discuss and attempt to settle the case, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c)(1).]
  2. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #9

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held for the Defendants to produce all documents to be offered at trial. Exhibits had to be Bates stamped.
  2. WINDSOR prepared his documents, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c)(2).]
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.



Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #10

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to “examine, and initial every exhibit to be produced by the opposing side(s) at trial. The Parties shall agree on those exhibits which will be admitted as joint exhibits and those which can be admitted without objection.”
  2. WINDSOR prepared his documents and was ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c)(3).]
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.



Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #11

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held where the parties shall then identify all other exhibits and specify any objections thereto. “Exhibit Schedules” shall then be prepared reflecting these separate categories of exhibits for each Party. The Exhibit Schedules for each party shall be attached to the Joint Pre-Trial Statement described below. OBJECTIONS NOT NOTED ARE WAIVED. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3-4, ¶7(c)(3).]
  2. WINDSOR prepared his documents and was ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c)(3).]
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


 Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #12

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to review opposing parties’ witness lists. “Witness lists for each Party shall be attached to the Joint Pre-Trial Statement….” [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶7(c)(4).]
  2. WINDSOR prepared his lists and was ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #13

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to discuss and stipulate to any facts requiring no proof at trial. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶7(c)(5).]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #14

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to discuss, clarify and frame all factual issues of fact to be tried. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶7(c)(6).]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #15

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to identify all legal, procedural or evidentiary issues to be decided prior to or during trial. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶7(c)(7).]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #16

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to discuss any evidentiary stipulations. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c)(8).]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.

Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #17

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to agree upon and draft a concise statement of the case to be read by the Court at of voir dire. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.3 ¶7(c)(9).]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #18

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to discuss the proposed jury instructions (voir dire through closing) and verdict forms. Discuss whether the Court will instruct the jury on the law prior to opening statements and, if so, which jury instructions are to be read at that time. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶ 7(c)10.]
  2. The parties shall prepare the following:
  3. All Agreed Jury Instructions, including Supreme Court instructions for, if applicable, voir dire, instructions prior to opening, instructions prior to closing argument and instruction(s) following closing arguments [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶ 7 (c)10(i).]
  4. (ii.) All disputed instructions identifying the Party proposing it/them and the phase of the Trial for which the instruction is proposed. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶ 7 (c)10(ii).]
  5. (iii.) The above versions of Jury Instructions shall be prepared to include a cover page reflecting the style of the case, an appropriate title, with instructions following in paragraph form without Jury Instruction numbers, headers or brackets. Instructions shall be 14-point, Times New Roman and double spaced. Pages shall be numbered. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.4 ¶ 7 (c)10(iii).]
  6. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  7. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #19

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to discuss and attempt to agree upon any other matters leading to a more orderly and expeditious trial. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.5 ¶ 7 (c)11.]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #20

  1. No later than 03/26/2023, a discussion face-to-face was to be held to discuss and exchange all demonstrative aids. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.5 ¶ 7 (c)12.]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants were no-shows and made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #21

  1. No later than 04/01/2023, a Pre-Trial Statement was to be served by the Defendants’ attorney. [EXHIBIT 3922, PP.5, 6 ¶8.]
  2. WINDSOR was prepared and ready, but the Defendants made no such attempt.
  3. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #22

  1. On 03/31/2023, a Joint Pre-Trial Conference was scheduled, but the Defendants were no-shows. [EXHIBIT 3922, P.2 ¶3.]
  2. This is Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #23


  1. On 03/11/2023, there was a Motions Cut-Off-Deadline. [EXHIBIT 3922, PP.5, 6 ¶10.]
  2. Judge Jeffrey L Ashton did not hear WINDSOR’s motions prior to this DEADLINE.
  3. The Defendants filed the motion scheduled for hearing on 04/19/2023 on 03/24/2023, so it is void as it was filed after the Motions Cut-Off-Deadline. See 2018-CA-010270-O DOCKET, 03/24/2023.


Violation of a Court Order by the Defendants #23

  1. On 04/04/2023, WINDSOR received a copy of an email to Keitra Davis from Renee Urban for the Defendants. It said:

“We have on our calendar the Pre-Trial Conference in this case set for Monday, April 10, 2022, at 9:00am. Can you please advise if this will be going forward, or if this will be cancelled as Plaintiff has not complied with Judge Ashton’s Order directing him to obtain counsel?” [EXHIBIT 2816.]


  1. There was no response.
  2. WINDSOR did not receive notice of the hearing and did not attend what he assumed was not taking place.
  3. Since the Defendants learned something and did not notify WINDSOR, this should be considered a violation of a court order.



  1. The motion to dismiss is unsigned and must be stricken.
  2. A signature is not optional. The signature is much more than a person’s name.
  3. There is the required signature on the Certificate of Service, but NOT on the MOTION. EVERY filing by WINDSOR will show he always properly signed. [2018-CA-010270-O DOCKET.]
  4. Rule 2.515 of the Florida Rules of Judicial Administration dictates the requirement:

“Every document of a party represented by an attorney shall be signed by at least 1 attorney of record in that attorney’s individual name whose current record Florida Bar address, telephone number, including area code, primary e-mail address and secondary e-mail address, if any; and Florida Bar number shall be stated, and who shall be duly licensed to practice law in Florida or who shall have received permission to appear in the particular case as provided in rule 2.510. The ·attorney may be required by the court to give the address of, and to vouch for the attorney’s authority to represent, the party.  Except when otherwise specifically provided by an applicable rule or statute, documents need not be verified or accompanied by affidavit. The signature of an attorney shall constitute a certificate by the attorney that:


(1) the attorney has read the document;

(2) to the best of the attorney’s knowledge, information; and belief, there is good ground to support the document;

(3) the document is not interposed for delay; and

(4) the document contains no confidential or sensitive information, or that any such confidential or sensitive information has been properly protected by complying with the provisions of rules 2.420 and 2.425. If a document is not signed or is signed with intent to defeat the purpose of this rule, it may be stricken and the action may proceed as though the document had not been served.”


  1. Therefore, there is no proof that Attorney Jonathan Blake Mansker read the motion, and there is no certification that; to the best of his knowledge, information, and belief, there is good ground to support the motion.
  2. There are many cases where pleadings were declared nullities because they were· not properly signed.

See Daytona Migi Corp. v. Daytona Automotive Fiberglass, Inc., 417 So.2d 272 (Fla. 5th DCA 1982) (holding a notice of appeal signed by a non-attorney corporate officer a nullity); Quinn v. Housing Auth. of Orlando, 385 So.2d 1167 (Fla. 5th DCA 1980) (reversing summary judgment in favor of corporate housing authority, holding its complaint signed and filed by a non-attorney void); Nicholson Supply Co. v. First Fed. Sav. & Loan Assoc., 184 So.2d 438 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1966) (affirming trial court’s striking of plaintiff corporation’s complaint holding the complaint a nullity where it was filed and signed by the corporation’s non-attorney president).

  1. But with the filings in this case, there are no signatures at all.
  2. This Court must sanction Attorney Jonathan Blake Mansker and the Defendants for this filing. This Court must vacate all orders granted with unsigned motions and strike their pleadings.


The MOTION alleges facts,

But it is not verified and must be stricken.

  1. The Defendants’ Motion makes claims of fact in many paragraphs.
  2. There is no affidavit, and claims of facts must be stricken.
  3. Attorneys may not present facts, only legal arguments.

“Argument by counsel who is not under oath is not evidence.” See Murphy v. State, 667 So.2s 375 (Fla. 1st DCA 1995); State v. T.A., 528 So.2d 974 (Fla. 2d DCA 1988); McKenney v. State, 967 So.2d 951, 32 Fla. L. Weekly D2375 (Fla.App. Dist.3 10/03/2007); Steinhardt v. InterCondominium Group, 771 So.2d 614, 25 Fla. L. Weekly D2713 (Fla.App. Dist.4 11/22/2000); SVI Capital, LLC v. Bank of America, N.A., 164 So.3d 36, 40 Fla.L.Weekly D 931 (Fla.App. Dist.4 04/22/2015); Daughtrey v. Daughtrey, 944 So.2d 1145, 31 Fla. L. Weekly D3080 (Fla.App. Dist.2 12/08/2006).)

“A trial court may not rely on argument by counsel to make factual determinations. Ordonez v. State, 862 So.2d 927, 930 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004); see also State v. Thompson, 852 So.2d 877, 878 (Fla. 2d DCA 2003) (holding that argument of counsel is not evidence); DiSarrio v. Mills, 711 So.2d 1355, 1357 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998) (‘Argument by counsel who is not under oath is not evidence.’).” (State v. Jones, 30 So.3d 619, 35 Fla. L. Weekly D583 (Fla.App. Dist.2 03/12/2010).)


“A trial court may not rely on argument by counsel to make factual determinations.” State v. Jones, 30 So.3d 619, 622 (Fla. 2d DCA 2010) (first citing Ordonez v. State, 862 So.2d 927, 930 (Fla. 2d DCA 2004); then citing State v. Thompson, 852 So.2d 877, 878 (Fla. 2d DCA 2003) (holding that argument of counsel is not evidence); and then citing DiSarrio v. Mills, 711 So.2d 1355, 1357 (Fla. 2d DCA 1998) (“Argument by counsel who is not under oath is not evidence.”). (State v. Crumbley, 2D16-3872, 2D16-3875 (Fla.App. Dist.2 05/23/2018).)




  1. On 04/08/2023, WINDSOR logged in to the Florida E-Filing System.  He happened to notice the email addresses displaying next to his name as the filer.  It showed Jonathan Blake Mansker and his assistant, Renee Urban. [EXHIBIT 2819.] He is the attorney for the Defendants and she is his assistant in this case.  They are two of the last people on earth whose email addresses WINDSOR would use on HIS ACCOUNT against them and Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton.  Someone committed FORGERY and other crimes by giving control of WINDSOR’s filings to Jonathan Blake Mansker and Renee Urban.  WINDSOR had to set up a new account to be able to e-file.
  2. If any emails were sent to “Windsor” from 04/04/2023 to 6:30 p.m. on 04/08/2023, they went to the attorneys for the Defendants and were not copied to WINDSOR.
  3. But at 9:40 a.m. on 04/10/2023, WINDSOR received a copy of an email to Keitra Davis from Renee Urban for the Defendants. It said:

“Good Morning – Pursuant to Judge Ashton’s instructions at this morning’s Pre-Trial Conference, please find the attached Notice of Hearing on Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss, along with a copy of the Motion.” [EXHIBIT 2817.]


  1. WINDSOR was shocked. He knew nothing about a hearing.  The purported motion attached was unreadable.  WINDSOR requested a readable copy but there was no response.
  2. This is a violation of the Florida Rules of Professional Conduct, and Blake Mansker and Renee Urban must be reported to law enforcement for these crimes.




  1. The Uniform Order for Setting the Case for Jury Trial provides for SANCTIONS. Failure to attend the meeting of attorneys required in paragraph 7(c), the Pre-Trial Conference, or trial or to otherwise strictly comply with the requirements of this Order may result in the imposition of appropriate sanctions, including but not limited to, contempt, dismissal, default, striking of pleadings, exclusion of evidence, assessment of fees or costs. [EXHIBIT 3922, PP.7 ¶14.]
  2. As shown above, the Defendants and their attorneys failed to attend and failed to strictly comply with the requirements of the Order.
  3. The violations are egregious.
  4. WINDSOR moves the Court to charge the Defendants and their attorneys with contempt, strike their pleadings, exclude and deny any evidence of the Defendants, and find for the Plaintiff on the issues of liability.




  1. On 04/10/2023, Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton purportedly held a hearing in this case. It was allegedly a Pre-Trial Conference.  It was kept a secret from WINDSOR, but the 10/21/2022 Order says parties SHALL attend.  [EXHIBIT 3922, P.2 ¶5(b).]
  2. On 04/10/2023 at 9:34 a.m., a DOCKET entry was made with a Notice of Hearing. [EXHIBIT 2821.] The notice did not specify what matter was to be heard.
  3. On 04/10/2023 at 11:23 a.m., WINDSOR sent an email to Keitra Davis, Jeff Ashton, Tiffany Moore Russell, Lisa Shorten, Blake Mansker, Patty Nielsen, Steven Kranz, Scott Warburton, and Deputy Phillip McCord. [EXHIBIT 2820.] It said:

“I was not informed of a Pre-Trial Hearing.  The order from 10/21/2022 set the date, but the 4/4/2023 email to Ms. Davis requesting directions on whether there would be a hearing was never responded to unless the response went to the person or persons who forged and stole my e-filing account.


“Please show me emails of all notifications that there was a hearing.  I believe a party is obligated to attend, I darn sure would have been there.


“Please send me the name and contact information for the court reporter.


“None of the other prerequisites were complied with by the Defendants.  There has been no designation of depositions, no meeting on jury instructions, no schedule of exhibits, no live meeting, no joint pre-trial statement, and violations galore.


“This motion or whatever it is is past the court-ordered deadline set in writing on 2/21/2023.


“Today’s filing violates the Court’s 2/21/2023 order.  I move that all of the Defendants filings and Answer be stricken due to violation of court orders.


“The Notice of Hearing is false.  It specifies nothing to be heard, and I am not self-represented.  I have been denied that Constitutional right, and this is on appeal.


“A case may not be dismissed when on appeal.  Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 9130 (f) Stay of Proceedings. In the absence of a stay, during the pendency of a review of a nonfinal order, the lower tribunal may proceed with all matters, including trial or final hearing, except that the lower tribunal may not render a final order disposing of the cause….


“Please vacate all of this.


“I am filing additional criminal charges.  I extended the courtesy of calling Renee Urban today to give her the opportunity to deny that she was involved in the forgery and theft of my e-filing account.  She refused to answer and refused to connect me with the Mansker.  If Mansker doesn’t call me, I will take that as an indication of guilt.  I will file criminal charges this week.


“Ms. Davis, were you involved in the forgery and theft?  Was Barry5515?


“Please have Jonathan Blake Mansker call me.  We have never spoken by phone.  His assistant was unwilling to ask him to return my call.”


  1. Windsor never received a response to any of these issues from any of the recipients.
  2. Windsor never received any emails of all notifications that there was a hearing as he requested.
  3. Windsor never received the name and contact information for the court reporter as he requested.
  4. None of the other prerequisites were complied with by the Defendants.
  5. The Notice of Hearing is false.  It specifies nothing to be heard, and Windsor is not self-represented.  Windsor has been denied that Constitutional right, and this is on appeal.
  6. On 04/14/2023, Jury Instructions were due, but the Defendants failed to provide anything or respond to Windsor’s request.


A case may not be dismissed when on appeal.

  1. A case may not be dismissed when on appeal.  Florida Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 9130 (f) Stay of Proceedings. In the absence of a stay, during the pendency of a review of a nonfinal order, the lower tribunal may proceed with all matters, including trial or final hearing, except that the lower tribunal may not render a final order disposing of the cause….
  2. The Florida Supreme Court has explained that “the test employed by the appellate court to determine finality of an order, judgment or decree is whether the order in question constitutes an end to the judicial labor in the cause, and nothing further remains to be done by the court to effectuate terminate of the cause as between the parties directly affected.” L.T. Warehouse Co., 304 So. 2d at 99.
  3. WINDSOR is filing additional criminal charges.  I extended the courtesy of calling Renee Urban today to give her the opportunity to deny that she was involved in the forgery and theft of my e-filing account.  She refused to answer and refused to connect me with the Mansker.  If Mansker doesn’t call me, I will take that as an indication of guilt.  I will file criminal charges this week.
  4. WINDSOR emailed Keitra Davis to ask: “Ms. Davis, were you involved in the forgery and theft?  Was Barry5515? There was no response.
  5. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton abused his discretion repeatedly in this case.
  6. WINDSOR was never served with a Notice of Hearing on 04/10/2023. The magnitude of the violations by the DEFENDANTS is extreme.  See the Affidavit of WINDSOR filed on 2/20/2023. [EXHIBIT 2824.]
  7. Windsor moves that all of theDefendants filings and Answer be stricken due to violation of court orders.


  1. The Defendants filed a Motion to Dismiss. It violated a number of ordered and rules, and it is simply false and unfounded.
  2. WINDSOR has now lost the use of both hands for typing, so he does not have time to respond to this bogus Motion.



Wherefore, WINDSOR moves the Court for an order striking the setting of an April 19, 2023 hearing; providing all the relief requested above; striking all unsupported statements of fact; striking all unauthenticated exhibits; striking the pleadings of the DEFENDANTS; and granting such other and further relief as is deemed just and proper.

This 18th day of April 2023,

/s/ William M. Windsor

William M. Windsor

5013 S Louise Ave #1134

Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57108

Did Jeff Ashton forge legal documents in the Bill Windsor case?

jeff Ashton Forgery

Did Jeff Ashton commit forgery and obstruction of justice in the Bill Windsor 18-Wheeler Case?
I finished my Appellant’s Brief and Appendix at about 6 p.m. on 4/8/2023 and logged in to the Florida Appellate Courts E-Filing System.  Th filing deadline was 4/8/2023.
I’m mighty glad I happened to notice the email addresses displaying next to my name as the filer.  It showed Jonathan Blake Mansker and his assistant, Renee Urban.  They are the attorney for the Defendants and his assistant in Florida Ninth Judicial Circuit Case 2018-CA-010270-O.
They are two of the last people on earth whose email addresses I would use on MY ACCOUNT against them and Jeff Ashton.  Someone committed FORGERY and other crimes by giving control of my filings to Jonathan Blake Mansker and Renee Urban.
I had to set up a new account to be able to e-file, and I was at the deadline set by the Sixth District Court of Appeal.  So I filed using the new account.
They know my pattern is to file these things late at night right up to the deadline. If that had been the case on 4/8/2023, I would have missed the deadline by having to set up a new account.
I have screenshots of this.
I SHOULD HAVE been on guard for some kind of evildoing, but I wasn’t. They’ve screwed with my brain.
I plan to file criminal charges.
I have asked all 69 judges of the Ninth Judicial Circuit to investigate this matter.  I have previously discovered documents removed from the Docket and court files.  I have previously had my e-filing emails blocked for weeks at a time.  Now this.  Surely this is forgery and a felony.
All judges have a duty to report this felony.  Misprision of Felony. 18 USC 4.
If I hadn’t caught this forgery, I don’t believe my Brief would have been filed.  You set up your account in the beginning — six years or so ago for  me — and I haven’t felt a need to check it as it is all so automatic.  One of my angels must have moved my eyes to the right to spot this.
Who dunnit?

Bill Windsor’s NEW BOOK

RICO for Judges
RICO — Methods to ensure pro se parties will LOSE in your court


Featuring many mentions of Jeff “RICO” Ashton.
This handbook explains the techniques that the judges in America use to screw Pro Se parties.
Every judge is supposed to know all of this.
Attorneys need to know this so they won’t miss an opportunity to set up the Pro Se Schmucks.
Pro Se parties need to know this to document the wrongdoing of your judge.
People of all ages need to know this to understand there is only INjustice in Lawless America.
The book is complete. I just need to jump through a few of the hoops at Amazon Publishing.
Each technique is a numbered chapter, so members of the Criminal Racketeering Organization in your area can just talk in code. “I think we need a #12.” “Or how ’bout a #1 followed up by a #2 ?”
Number 2 is one that Jeff Ashton just loves.
This handbook has been 14 years in development with tried-and-tested input from judges in every state.
The author, William M. Windsor, is well-known by many of the corrupt judges nationwide.
Order forms will be emailed to every attorney in America and sent to every courthouse. Special autographed copies will be available to all us Schmucks.

Jeff Ashton would not know Due Process if it bit him on his Member

Jeff Ashton would not know Due Process if it bit him on his Member.

Jeff Ashton is a crook.  Only a corrupt, miserable excuse for a human being would claim to deprive Bill Windsor or anyone else of their Constitutional rights to due process maliciously and blatantly.

“Due process basically requires that a person who is deprived of a recognized right must be given some sort of notice and an opportunity for a hearing on the government’s action.”  Jeff Ashton took away Bill Windsor’s right to represent himself sua sponte (Self-initiated by a court).  There was NO NOTICE and NO OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD.  And there was no factual basis or legal basis.

“At a minimum, a person who will be deprived of a right is entitled to a fair decision-making process by an impartial decision-maker.”  Jeff Ashton is unfair, stupid, and committed to killing Bill Windsor with his violations.
Jeffrey L. Ashton's Ashley Madison Girl?
Jeffrey L. Ashton’s Ashley Madison Girl?

I need to see if I can get one of his Ashley Madison girlfriends to stop by, bite him on his Vienna Sausage, and explain DUE PROCESS.

Bill Windsor is suing all 69 Judges and their Bond Agent in Orange County Florida

69 Demand Letters were sent to Jeff Ashton’s fellow judges by William Michael Windsor. No one responded. So, yesterday, each judge was sent an email advising them that they and their bonding company are being sued.

The bond protects against:

“…conduct or omissions made by public officials that constitute a breach of his or her duties of the office. The bond serves as a guarantee against fraud or dishonesty and covers losses arising from neglect or other serious offenses.”

The emails say this:


Please save this disabled 74-year-old one-handed man some time by responding to this email with a copy of your bond.

Please notify your bonding company that this is coming and that I will be seeking at least eight figures (##,###,###.##).  You may want to let them know that the judge infamous for his Ashley Madison sexual involvement and losing the Casey Anthony case is responsible for your involvement.

William M. Windsor

5013 S Louise Ave #1134
Sioux Falls, SD 57108



This email was written with only one finger because I no longer have the use of my left hand.  Please excuse typos.


See Jeffrey L. Ashton Home – Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton


The letters sent previously said this:

I believe Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is either mentally impaired or as corrupt as they come, or both.  He has violated the Codes, Rules, laws, and even the Cub Scout Oath.  You have a duty to report him.

Please read my Affidavit or Petition.  There are links on  I will be adding more evidence and charges.  My Affidavit tells the story of one violation and abuse after another, though I haven’t gone into detail for the past year because he has committed one horrendous denial of due process that should get him removed.

His latest is a VOID ORDER depriving me of my Constitutional rights (EXHIBIT A).  He claims to have revoked my right to represent myself in 2018-CA-010270-O without any notice or opportunity to be heard.  The case law cited as authority by him establishes that what he did is illegal.  He has abused me every way possible.

My personal injury case was supposed to go to trial after just over six years on May 22, 2023.  I believe Jeffrey L. Ashton hopes I die before this can go to trial.

I need a new judge, and Jeffrey L. Ashton needs mental health help and a new job.

My life was destroyed on 5/5/2017 by an 18-wheeler.  I was in good health and had never been in a car wreck, but now I’m 74 years old, have five herniated discs in my neck, four in my back, and Diastasis Recti, an allegedly inoperable abdominal injury.

It keeps getting worse.  I recently lost the use of my left hand, and I can no longer walk.  I can’t obtain medical treatment as I’m in bankruptcy and Medicare and others say the lawsuit has to be resolved first.  The Defendants have ZERO evidence or testimony on liability admitted under oath, but they refuse to amend their fraudulent pleadings or admit liability.  I suspect this is because they know they have Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton’s protection.  The young attorney for the Defendants needs to go to acting school as he gave it away.

I have reason to suspect that Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has been conspiring with the Defendants.  I submit that he is part of a RICO organization.  I hope you aren’t.

I am notifying every judge in the Ninth Circuit in hopes I will find good ones, like Judge Elizabeth Starr, who will take action.  Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton has committed felonies and scores an F- on adherence to the Code of Judicial Conduct.  He has violated every Canon.  He has violated Rule 4-8.3(b) and Rule 4-8.4 of the Florida Rules of Professional ConductI am asking you to report him as is your duty pursuant to Canon 3E, Fla. Code Jud. Conduct, and Rule 2.160, Fla. R. Jud. Admin., as well as Rules Regulating the Florida Bar 3-4.2, 3-4.3, and 3-4.4.

Canon 3D (1) requires: “A judge who receives information or has actual knowledge that substantial likelihood exists that another judge has committed a violation of this Code shall take appropriate action.”

Canon 3E, Fla. Code Jud. Conduct, and Rule 2.160, Fla. R. Jud. Admin., mandate that a judge disqualify himself in a proceeding “in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”  He hasn’t, so you must act.

I don’t want to come across as rude when seeking your help, but I must refer you to 18 U.S.C. 4.  I intend to file complaints and sue every judge in the Ninth Circuit who does not report Jeffrey L. Ashton with a copy to me as proof.  If I don’t receive confirmation that you have reported him, I will sue you after first filing a complaint against you with the Judicial Commission.

Please send me your ISLN Number and a copy of your Oath and Bond.

I hope this will become a national news story.  My father was CEO of WFTV Channel 9, and there are still people there who worked with him.  And Casey Anthony, Ashley Madison, and other “sexy” news stories should make this a slam dunk when I, a disabled veteran who almost died on the Florida Turnpike, was denied a most fundamental Constitutional right, and am suing Jeffrey L. Ashton to create a non-profit to finance the 68% of us who cannot afford attorneys.

Please look for me in and around the Orange County Courthouse.  My hair is gray, and my Walker is red and black.  I will be protesting and gathering more evidence against Judge Jeffrey L. Ashley, or is it Ashton.  I had no idea he was infamous until a few days ago.

Do you automatically get disqualified as a juror in voir dire if you know about the judge and think he’s a scumbag?  Between those who know about Casey Anthony, Ashley Madison, and the Cub Scouts, we may not be able to seat a jury.


William M. Windsor, Pro Se (at least used to be)

5013 S Louise Avenue #1134, Sioux Falls, SD 57108, — ###-###-####

P.S.  I now live in a trailer in Lake Panasoffkee.  My mail gets forwarded from South Dakota, so email is better.

Bill Windsor’s Motions against Jeff Ashton have been denied without explanation.

Bill Windsor’s Motions against Jeff Ashton have been denied without explanation.

Jeff Ashton claimed I had no right to file anything.  His order, as usual, violates the rules.

The Sixth District Court of Appeal simply denied the Petition for Writ of Prohibition, which means there is no such thing as due process in Florida.

So, I will ask for findings of fact and conclusions of law. The Sixth District Court of Appeal will simply ignore that.

I must now decide whether I file a Petition with the United States Supreme Court or file an appeal once Judge Magic Fingers (aka Judge Jeff Ashton aka Judge Special Fingers aka Judge Love My Member) dismisses my personal injury lawsuit.

I will get my federal lawsuit filed against each and every scumbag as quickly as my right index finger will make it happen.

3/23/2023 is the day I turn into a pumpkin in the personal injury case.

I’m pretty pi$$ed off, but I did predict this on Facebook a month ago.

Bill Windsor’s Motions against Jeff Ashton have been denied without explanation.


Bill Windsor Threatened with Arrest in Winter Park, Florida

Orange County Deputy Sheriff Philip McCord has threatened Bill Windsor with arrest for felony STALKING if he knocks on a door in Winter Park, Florida. Doorbell ringing will also apparently be a crime.

Bill Windsor told Deputy McCord to go Fu*k himself, in slightly more polite terms.

Here’s the statute:

(a) “Harass” means to engage in a course of conduct directed at a specific person which causes substantial emotional distress to that person and serves no legitimate purpose.

(b) “Course of conduct” means a pattern of conduct composed of a series of acts over a period of time, however short, which evidences a continuity of purpose. The term does not include constitutionally protected activity such as picketing or other organized protests.

(c) “Credible threat” means a verbal or nonverbal threat, or a combination of the two, including threats delivered by electronic communication or implied by a pattern of conduct, which places the person who is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family members or individuals closely associated with the person, and which is made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat to cause such harm. It is not necessary to prove that the person making the threat had the intent to actually carry out the threat. The present incarceration of the person making the threat is not a bar to prosecution under this section.

Gee boys and girls, I was unable to find anything in here that makes it a crime to knock one time on a door of someone you don’t know.

So, I’m goin’ knockin’. To be safe, I’ll have a Trick or Treat mask, some Girl Scout cookies, and a small assortment of Avon products. I’ll wear an Amazon T-shirt. I’ll, of course, be driving my Walker with my Handicapped Permit.

Bill Windsor lodged Criminal Charges against Jeff Ashton and Others on 3/9/2023

Orange County Sheriff's Department
Orange County Sheriff’s Department


Armed with hard copies of all the evidence that’s posted online, I contacted the Florida Attorney General’s Office, the Orlando Office of the State Attorney, the Orlando Police Department, and the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. I presented criminal charges against Jeff Ashton, and I named Tiffany Moore Russell, Lisa T. Munyon, and Keitra Davis as possible accomplices. One of the charges is Florida Criminal Statute 839.13.
I’m going to be at the Orange County Sheriff’s Office tomorrow. If you never hear from me again, you’ll know it was a set-up.