THE COURT (Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton): âMr. Windsor, you e-mailed my JA 214 times since Thursday. Since Thursday.
WINDSOR: âAbsolutely not, Your Honor.
THE COURT (Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton): âWell, you’re calling my secretary a liar and I know that she’s telling me the truth about that, so that ain’t going to happen. So I’ll block you from e-mail, again. If you have a lawyer that wants to communicate with us on your behalf, we will be happy to speak with him.â [EXHIBIT A – Transcript of Hearing 4/5/2021 â P.36: 9-25; P.37: 1-25; P.38: 1-4.]
I sent three emails to Judge Jeffrey L. Ashtonâs Judicial Assistant from Thursday April 1, 2021 to Monday April 5, 2021. THREE (3) not 214. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is a liar, and calling me a liar in open court is a violation of the Code of Judicial Conduct.
I have every email saved on my computer, and I will be filing each and every one of them with the clerk as evidence.
I am not and will not receive a fair trial in the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court in Orange County, Florida due to the bias of Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton of that court against me and prejudice in favor of the Defendants and their attorney.