Bill Windsor has distributed an Affidavit of Prejudice against Jeffrey L. Ashton, purported judge with the Orange County Courts.
My Affidavit is extremely bold. I didn’t hold back on anything about Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton. I called him every name in the book that wasn’t jailhouse vulgar.
I’d like you all to be able to read my Petition for Writ of Prohibition because I believe it is a really powerful essay on the rights of pro se parties. And my Affidavit of Prejudice doesn’t pull any punches.
I warned Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton that I was going to expose him. He accused me of threatening him. He doesn’t even know the definition. I told him it wasn’t a threat; it was a promise. And I’m making good on my promise. My goal is to have him removed or force him to resign.

I mailed a copy to all 69 judges in his Ninth District in Central Florida, his wife (Rita Brockaway Ashton), each of his children, the Florida Bar Association, the University of Florida Law School, Casey Anthony, Ashley Madison, and the Cub Scouts.