Imperfect Justice-Jeffrey-L-Ashton

Imperfect Justice

A prosecutor in the Casey Anthony murder trial, Jeffrey L. Ashton, has written a book about the case and trial.

Jeffrey L. Ashton, an assistant state attorney with the Orange-Osceola State Attorney’s Office for three decades, retired days after the verdict in the case was handed down.

The 256-page book was available at the end of November 2011.  The Amazon site says William Morrow is the publisher, however, Barnes & Noble lists the publisher as Harper Collins.

Jurors that spoke out after the proceedings said the prosecution did not provide enough evidence for them to find Casey guilty of murder.

Jeffrey L. Ashton has some nerve profiteering from his own failure – a jury acquitted Casey on July 5, 2011 of killing her daughter, Caylee Anthony, 2.

Jeffrey L. Ashton is a creep – it seems totally unfair that a failed prosecutor is set to make millions off of the very trial he helped screw up and lose.