Judge Jeff Ashton is a crook. He lies, cheats, and destroys government property.
Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton hasn’t been recused or disqualified in Case 20`18-CA-0`10270-O despite at least a half dozen demands and requests by Plaintiff William Windsor. He avoids removal by lying, cheating, and having government property destroyed. CRIMINAL ACTIVITY.
Other pro se plaintiffs probably experience similar wrongdoing but don’t know what they can or should do.
I encourage all pro se parties (as a friend) to save everything you receive via email or snail mail, scan them and name them, and save them. pdf is your friend.
On 4/1/2021 at 05-29-58-AM, I filed my second written effort to get Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton removed. It was in my EXHIBITS folder, so it took just a second to find it after days of indexing all of my files for search in File Explorer.
I never delete email. So, today, I realized I needed to see if I still had emails from 4/1/2021. It took a while, but I found the Orange County Clerk’s Proof of Filing and Service, filed 4/1/2021 at 05-30 AM. HALLELUJAH!!!
Now I need to see it on the DOCKET! so, off I go online to the Clerk’s search site.
Fortunately, I learned years ago that corrupt judges and corrupt court clerks delete docket entries that are problematic for judges and beneficial to litigants. I used to make copies of the dockets regularly, but too many 18-wheeler accidents and too many people to help. So, I wasn’t confident as I checked my massive files. But I have a 2021 pdf of the Docket when it showed that filing!!!!! Go to 4/1/2021.
Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton is a crook. He stole or had someone steal those documents. He has obstructed justice. I am just beginning to research all the crimes. I wonder if he used his skillful tongue, fingers, or member to make the theft, or did he use an accomplice?
Florida Statutes 839.13 – Falsifying records
Attorney’s Note
Under the Florida Statutes, punishments for crimes depend on the classification. In the case of this section:
Class | Prison | Fine |
Felony of the second degree | up to 15 years | up to $10,000 |
Felony of the third degree | up to 5 years | up to $5,000 |
misdemeanor of the first degree | up to 1 year | up to $1,000 |
For details, see Fla. Stat. § 775.082(3)(d), Fla. Stat. § 775.082(3)(e) and Fla. Stat. § 775.082(4)(a)
The fact that I am a disabled senior may add additional charges.
Probably a federal crime or two.
Tiffany Moore Russell has a problem. Judge Jeffrey L. Ashton’s Judicial Assistant, Keitra Davis, may be an accomplice. I have now sent both of them notices of violations under color of law.
I will be sending this to every judge in the Ninth District and to David H. Harris, General Counsel, Ninth Judicial Circuit Court of Florida, Ctaddh1@ocnjcc.org.
If there are felonies involved, David Harris, Lisa Munyon, and every judge has a duty to report these, or it is a violation of 18 USC 4.
I have reported this to the Orlando Police Department, The Orange County Sheriff, the Attorney General, the Governor, the FBI, the U.S. Department of Justice, the United States Attorney General, Ashley Madison, FriendFinder, and the Cub Scouts.
Read the 797 Day Report.